- Feb.20.2007
- May.15.2007
- Jun.15.2007
- Jul.16.2007
- Oct.22.2007
- Dec.18.07
II) Presentation of Miami River Fund Inc’s Fiscal Year 2006 Audit
Gesana Hung, Morrison Brown, presented the Miami River Fund Inc.’s (MRFI) Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 audit. Ms. Hung stated the MRFI received an “A” on the audit, and the Required Letter of Communications didn’t identify any irregularities or illegal acts. Ms. Hung reported Mr. Bibeau was helpful during the audit and provided full access to QuickBooks, check registers, invoices, etc. Mr. Ruano asked if their was anything the MRFI may improve on, and Ms. Hung noted although non-for-profits of this size often keep finances in cash vs. accrual basis, the MRFI should consider the advantages and disadvantages of potentially hiring an accounting firm to maintain the MRFI’s books in accrual fashion. Ms. Hung acknowledged since this recommendation was made in the MRFI’s FY ’05 audit, a quarterly accrual financial report was provided to the board by staff, therefore they were kept informed of the accrual status of the MRFI’s finances. Mr. Bibeau added after the original concept was proposed in the MRFI’s FY ’05 audit bids were received to maintain the MRFI’s finances in accrual fashion for a couple hundred dollars per month, and the board decided it wasn’t worth the additional operation costs. Ms. Hung added if the level MRFI expenses and income significantly increases it would become more important to switch to accrual than the current funding levels, which cash basis is more common and acceptable. Mr. Everingham noted staff salaries are listed as a programmatic rather than operational expense. Ms. Hung and Mr. Bibeau explained this is due to staff’s working on the MRC’s programs, which include hosting publicly noticed meetings and creating minutes for posting on the web-site is part of the “program” of hosting publicly accessible meetings and providing information regarding the River. Mr. Everingham suggested next year’s audit to consider allocating a small percentage of the salaries to operational costs. Chair Bagué asked to entertain a motion regarding the presented audit. Mr. Everingham moved to accept the MRFI’s FY ’06 audit; the motion was seconded by Ms. Jude and unanimously adopted.
III) Set Agenda for MRC’s March 5, 2007 Meeting
Mr. Bibeau provided copies of a Florida Department of Transportation’s Flagler and 1st ST PD&E summary and cross sections for the two remaining alternatives for the streets reconstruction, which includes two crossings of the Miami River . Mr. Bibeau noted one of the two options includes a bike lane, one does not, and the UIWG recommended the option with a bike lane, which would connect with the Miami River Greenway system. Mr. Ruano stated he prefers the option with the bike lanes. Mr. Bibeau noted as part of the PD&E, the FDOT is seeking recommendations on the preferred alternative. The Executive Committee asked to have the Flagler and 1st ST PD&E placed on the MRC’s March 5, 2007 agenda, in order for the MRC to vote on their preferred alternative.
IV) New Business
Mr. Bibeau distributed copies of the WPBT ½ documentary regarding the Miami River’s history entitled,
“ Miami : Reflections in the River”. Mr. Bibeau added the producers had asked him for an interview, which he deferred to MRC Chair Bagué, whom is scheduled for an interview in late February. Chair Bagué noted it would be acceptable if WPBT would like to interview Mr. Bibeau as well. Several attendees expressed interest in contacting the WPBT producer to discuss the positive documentary, so Mr. Bibeau provided WPBT contact names, telephone number, and e-mail address.
Mr. Bibeau distributed invitations to the “Miami River Renaissance” Art Show, co-hosted by the MRC on February 23 & 24. The art show features original paintings of vessels on the Miami River by French artist Dirk Verdoorn, and co-hosted by the Kona Kai Art Gallery .
Mr. Bibeau distributed copies of the MRC’s 2006 Report, which the Executive Committee positively commented on the new layout, excellent pictures, full color, etc.
The meeting adjourned. |
February 20, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s Executive Committee was called to order by Chairperson Irela Bagué, Tuesday, February 20, 2007, 12:30, 1407 NW 7 St.
Members attending:
CHAIR: Irela Bague
Members: Phil Everingham , Vice-Chairman, Sallye Jude, Richard Dubin, Robert Ruano, Gary Winston
MRC Staff:
Brett Bibeau, Managing Director
Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
Others in Attendance:
Dr. Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group, Gesana Hung, Morrison Brown Argiz & Farrah , Jeffrey Hooper, AME Shipping , Evan Skornick, SFWMD
I) Set Agenda for MRC’s June 4, 2007 meeting
A. Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan
Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, noted that per the direction of the MRC, an advertisement was purchased in the Miami Herald to further extend the public notice for the April 13, 2007 Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan’s public workshop. Mr. Bibeau noted the public hearing was well attended by representatives from adjacent business and property owners along the Miami River , such as Ms. Sallye Jude . MRC Chair Buermann asked Ms. Jude if her concerns had been addressed at the workshop, and she replied yes. Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. David Henderson, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), had indicated that the consultants had conducted an internal review of the draft plan, incorporating all MRC and public input received during the workshop. Mr. Bibeau noted the consultants had agreed to provide a copy of the final draft no later than May 11, so that he could confirm that the suggested revisions have been incorporated prior to forwarding the plan to all MRC board members for their review. Mr. Bibeau explained completion of the draft plan is now four months overdue, and looked forward to its final presentation to the MRC for adoption during the regularly scheduled, publicly noticed MRC meeting on June 4, 2007, noon, Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street.
B. Presentation of Revised Nautica Project, 555 NW South River Drive
Mr. Bibeau noted the subject property, which was presented to the MRC in November 2004, had required a land use and zoning amendment from Marine Industrial to Commercial to allow the residential development, “Nautica on the River.” Mr. Bibeau welcomed the property owner and MRC Executive Board member Richard Dubin , and noted he was scheduled to make a presentation of revised plans for the site during the MRC’s Economic Development & Commerce Subcommittee this Friday, May, 18, 2007, 3 pm, Robert King High Classroom, 1407 NW 7 Street. Though Mr. Dubin indicated he did not have any formal design plans to present as of yet, he provided the following information:
- Has partnered with Mr. Gary Shear of Sheer Construction, Inc., the former developer of Nautica on the River, to build a dry stack storage facility that would accommodate 80-100 vessels
- Has obtained the legal services of Mr. Cliff Schulman, Greenberg Traurig
- Has collected and submitted all required material for the permitting process to Miami Dade County ’s Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM)
- Waiting on determination from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection regarding boat slip transfers
- Proposed project would consist of two hurricane-proof vertical yacht dry storage buildings, accommodating 45-60-foot vessels (90 % of building will accommodate vessel owners renting space)
- Amenities on the site would include a convenience store, marine offices and open space
- Will abide by current zoning height restrictions; no more than 120 feet
- Chair Buermann asked where the subject property is located, and Mr. Dubin replied that the former Nautica site is located between the NW 5th Street and NW 12th Avenue Bridges
- Vice Chair Phil Everingham asked for the status of his DERM permit, and Mr. Dubin replied he currently has 47 boat slips-as of right-and has met with DERM to identify more boat slips in their archives. Mr. Dubin added he has already identified several boat slips in aerial photographs of the Miami River dating as far back as the 1920s, which he has forwarded to DERM.
- Mr. Bibeau asked if Mr. Schulman believed the proposed project could be created without any land use or zoning amendments, and Mr. Dubin replied yes
- Mr. Buermann asked if the proposed project is consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan, and Mr. Bibeau replied he believed it was
- Mr. Buermann asked when the proposed project would be presented to the MRC, and Mr. Bibeau replied June 4, 2007. Mr. Buermann noted he would not be able to attend that meeting due to his daughters High School graduation the same afternoon. Mr. Dubin noted he actually preferred July, which would provide him enough time to finalize the project’s design plans. Mr. Dubin stated he would not vote on the item when considered by the MRC.
II) 11th Annual Miami Riverday Recap
MRC staff distributed copies of the 11th Annual Riverday Budget, a booth list (featuring environmental groups, sponsors, vendors, marine industrial representatives, etc.), Riverday fliers, and an 11th Annual Miami Riverday Media, Marketing & Outreach Fact Sheet. Mr. Buermann asked if the $10,686.44 figure highlighted on the last page represented the profit generated by Riverday, and Mr. Bibeau replied yes.
Ms. Jude suggested creating a “Riverday Committee,” composed of individuals of varied backgrounds and expertise, to assist in the event planning process. Ms. Jude noted the MRC’s two staff members, has managed Riverday the last several years, which she presumes has become quite a burden.
Mr. Dubin stated there needed to be an event highlighting the entire river, such as a 5K run. Mr. Villar noted that he has participated in numerous runs/marathons, which tend to draw a lot of people. The Executive Board decided to create a Riverday Committee, Chaired by Ms. Jude, to further discuss this suggestion in further detail.
III) Discussion of Cable
TAP Television Invitation for MRC to Host a Series of 30-minute Talk Shows- Mr. Bibeau noted Cable-Tap Television has offered to produce six half-hour TV talk shoe episodes focused on the Miami River at no charge to the Miami River Commission. MRC staff created and distributed a list of potential interview discussion/interview topics, hosts and guests, such as: Miami River Commission general information, Marine Industries, Miami River Development, Dredging/Environmental, Greenways/Riverwalks, Miami River Nightlife/Entertainment.
Ms. Jude suggested including the History of the Miami River as a discussion/ interview topic. The Executive Board suggested that guests include local historians Dr. Paul George and Jim Broton, archaeologist Bob Carr, and MRC board member Sallye Jude . Per the suggestion of Mr. Winston, MRC staff agreed to include MRC contact information (phone number, email, web-site, etc) in the program content. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted Cable-TAP programming runs 24 hours a day, seven days per week with pre-taped shows.
IV) Discussion of GMCC Goals Conference
Mr. Bibeau noted he had registered for the 2007 Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce Goals Conference, which will be held on Friday June 1, 2007Saturday, June 2, 2007, Biltmore Hotel, Coral Gables . MRC staff distributed the 2007 Goals Conference meeting/workshop schedule. Mr. Bibeau noted he planned to participate in the June 1 “Double Session: The Advocacy Group-Local, State, Federal & Global Issues,” as well as the Saturday, June 2 “ New World Center (Downtown Miami)” & “Transportation, Infrastructure & Regionalism” workshops. Chair Buermann noted he would most likely participate in the Goals Conference, as a representative of the South Florida Water Management District and the Miami River Commission. Mr. Bibeau noted the GMCC has supported the Miami River Maintenance Dredging project and riverwalk over the past several years, and stated he would attend to encourage the GMCC renew their River related goals.
V) Review of Financial Status
MRC staff distributed the “Miami River Commission (d.b.a. Miami River Fund, Inc) Accrued Balances as of 4/30/07.” Mr. Bibeau noted that on August 22, 2006, the Executive Board made a motion to renew the audit services of Morrison Brown Argiz & Farra, LLP, which bid $12,000, while Kauffman Rossin’s bid was $14,000 and Berkowtiz bid was $17,000. Mr. Bibeau noted the company has recently indicated that it planned to increase their 2007 audit proposal, therefore he would seek two additional bids for the Executive Boards consideration during their June meeting.
VI) New Business The following items were addressed/discussed:
- Ms. Chase noted MRC staff is seeking the Executive Board’s approval to host a appreciation reception for former MRC Chair Irela Bagué on Wednesday May 30. Ms. Chase noted she was in the process of requesting bids from river restaurants, such as Garcia’s, Casablanca and Capital Grille. The Executive Board approved the MRC sponsorship of the event to include two hours of appetizers and one drink per person.
- The Executive board agreed the MRC should issue a press release when the County executes the pending $42,000 grant for the MRC to continue providing thousands of students with environmental Miami River boat tours every year.
- As Mr. Winston explained during the MRC’s May 7 meeting, he urged the Executive Board to take advantage of the unique opportunity at hand to welcome innovative ideas through attracting new members to the organization. Mr. Winston suggested hosting a meeting/public workshop to recruit new volunteers and gage their interest in becoming potential members of the MRC’s subcommittees. Chair Buermann stated he was open to the suggestion, though he noted he did not want to displace any of the MRC’s current, loyal, knowledgeable, volunteer committee chairs. The Executive Board agreed to conduct Mr. Winston’s requested meeting/public workshop in June, featuring overview presentations regarding the different MRC subcommittee’s new volunteers may participate in. Ms. Jude stated Ms. Patty Harris has been attending MRC meetings and is interested in being a member and or continuing her participation in the MRC’s public meetings. Mr. Buermann stated the MRC had agreed to submit names of individuals interested in being considered by the Governor for his three available MRC appointments complete the required informational form and provide them to MRC staff and or the Governor’s Office of Appointments within the month.
- Mr. Bibeau noted that on Monday, May 21, 2007, 130 Ransom Everglades seniors will remove litter and weeds, spread mulch, paint etc. along the South River Drive on-road greenway, from José Martí Park to NW 2nd Street , as well as along the north shore on-road greenway, from NW 3rd Street to NW 6th Avenue .
The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Executive Committee was called to order by MRC Chair Eric Buermann , Tuesday, May 15, 2007, 8:30 am, Greenstreet Café, 3468 Miami Highway , Coconut Grove , FL
Members attending:
CHAIR: Eric Buermann
Members: Phil Everingham , Vice-Chairman, Sallye Jude, Richard Dubin, Robert Villar, Gary Winston
MRC Staff:
Brett Bibeau, Managing Director
Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
I) Set Agenda for MRC's July 9, 2007 meeting
A. Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan
Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, stated on May 24, 2007, the final written set of requested revisions to the draft plan were provided to David Henderson, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Greg Kyle, Kimley-Horn and Associates (KHA). Mr. Bibeau noted several of the revisions were previously requested either by MRC members, riverfront property owners, general public, and MRC staff, including but not limited to corrections of factual errors and deleting a recommendation to eminent domain portion of a private single family home in order to widen S. River Drive at the 17 Ave intersection. Mr. Bibeau reported Mr. Jim Murley, Chair of the MRC’s Urban Infill Working Group, and he are growing concerned because the MPO contracted consultants (with a $25,000 MRC cost-share), KHA, were yet to make the final requested revisions, and neither have returned recent voicemails and e-mails from Mr. Bibeau to discuss why this delay is occurring. Mr. Bibeau stated Mr. Murley suggested if the revisions are not made in the near future, MRC representatives should meet with senior MPO and KHA staff to work towards making the final requested revisions and finalizing the plan ASAP. The Executive Committee directed Mr. Bibeau to ask Mr. Murley to attend any potential meetings with senior MPO and KHA staff, if the final set of written revisions are not incorporated into the draft in the near future. Mr. Bibeau noted if the final revisions are incorporated into the draft before the MRC board member’s July mail-out, then the MRC would be ready to consider adopting the revised draft Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan during their July 9, 2007 meeting at noon, Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street. The Executive Committee concurred if the revised plan isn’t provided before the MRC’s July mail out, the plan’s adoption will be deferred to the MRC’s subsequent September 10, 2007 meeting. Mr. Bibeau reported the MRC is expecting to receive a $20,000 invoice from the MPO, leaving a $5,000 balance, which the MRC would hold payment of until the final requested revisions are incorporated into the Plan, and the MRC Executive Committee concurred with the proposed payment plan.
B. Discussion of Status of James L. Knight Center
Mr. Bibeau reported during the MRC’s Urban Infill Working Group’s public meeting on June 12, 2007, representatives from the City of Miami stated they were moving forward with bringing a Request for Proposal (RFP) related to the upland City owned parcels, just east of metro-mover, yet had no immediate plans for the City owned riverfront parcels, which include the James L. Knight Convention Center. Since the City Administration reported the riverfront parcels are not being considered for RFP’s at this time, the MRC Working Group recommended the full MRC should not formulate an advisory recommendation on the upland parcels. The Executive Committee concurred and decided not to place the potential item on the MRC’s July 9, 2007 agenda.
II) Adoption of Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 (July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008) Operational Budget
Mr. Bibeau provided copies of the approved $183,365 FY ’07 operational budget and the
proposed $185,563 FY ’08 budget for the Miami River Fund Inc, which serves as the MRC’s
financial arm. Mr. Bibeau noted the proposed budget includes a potential increase for Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director’s, annual salary from $40,250 to $42,000. Mr. Bibeau stated the Executive board may consider approving the potential raise in December 2007, when Ms. Chase completes her third full year working for the MRC. Mr. Bibeau noted after completing his third full year working as the MRC’s Assistant Managing Director, his salary was increased to the same proposed $42,000 level. Vice Chair Everingham asked how many years had passed since Mr. Bibeau start making $42,000 when he was the MRC’s Assistant Managing Director, and Mr. Bibeau replied 4 years ago. Mr. Everingham asked the Executive Board if they should consider an additional raise, considering increased cost of living, etc. Mr. Bibeau noted for additional consideration that the MRC Managing Director’s $69,500 salary has essentially not increased since the MRC was established in 1998. The Executive Committee asked if their was sufficient available operational funds to support the proposed budget, considering the Honorable Governor Crist recently vetoed the Legislature’s $250,000 line item for the MRC. Mr. Buermann replied the Governor vetoed the line item because the only eligible
recipients for funding from the environmental related Trust Fund it was appropriated from are Counties, Municipalities and Water Management Districts. Mr. Buermann stated he expressed his strong support for the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) to renew their annual $250,000 appropriation for the MRC to Carol Wehle, SFWMD Executive Director, whom indicated the SFWMD’s FY ’08 budget, which commences October 1, 2007, will include $250,000 for the MRC. The Executive board agreed to consider MRC staff raises in December 2007. Mr. Bibeau noted as approved the previous year, the budget proposal includes a one time payment to MRC staff, minus appropriate taxes, etc., to pay for one year of their individual private health and dental insurance plans, since the group health and dental insurance rates were more expensive. Mr. Bibeau noted if approved in the proposed budget, similar to the previous year, the health and dental insurance payment would be made to MRC staff in August. The Executive Board unanimously adopted the proposed FY ’08 operational budget.
III) Review of Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 (July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007) Audit Bids
As requested during the MRC Executive Board’s May meeting, Mr. Bibeau provided copies of three bids to conduct the FY ’07 Audit for the Miami River Fund Inc, which serves as the MRC’s financial arm. Mr. Bibeau noted although all three companies were offered the opportunity to provide bids for both one and two years of audits, only Appelrouth, Farah and Co., P.A. elected to provide a bid for two consecutive years. The following is a summary of the presented bids:
- Appelrouth, Farah & Co. P.A. – 1 year $12,800 or 2 years $12,000 first year and
$13,500 second year
- Morrison, Brown, Argiz, & Farra, LLP - $15,000
- Kaufman, Rossin & Co. P.A. - $16,500
Mr. Bibeau noted Appelrouth, Farah & Co. has provided our accounting services since 1998, and stated Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra has conducted the last four audits. The Executive Board discussed the concept of having the same firm conduct the audit and accounting. Mr. Bibeau explained he makes the entries into Quickbooks, and provides an electronic copy of the monthly reconciled books to the accountants, which review them and prepare quarterly and annual tax returns for $450 a quarter, which the Executive Committee noted is a good price. After discussion, the Executive Committee concurred there is no conflict between having the same firm conduct both the audit and accounting procedures. The MRC Executive Committee unanimously accepted Appelrouth, Farah & Co.’s two year bid ($12,000 for FY ’07 and $13,500 for FY ’08) and directed Mr. Bibeau to ask if Appelrouth, Farah and Co. is willing to include the currently provided accounting and tax returns in the price for the two years of audits, therefore removing the current $450 quarterly fee for the next two years. The Executive Committee agreed that if Appelrouth, Farah & Co. doesn’t agree, than they will accept their two year audit bid and continue to pay the additional $450 per quarter for accounting, quarterly and annual tax returns.
IV) Discussion of “Miami River Health Fair”
Mr. Bibeau reported Mr. Martinez, Terrazas River Park Village, invited MRC staff to a preliminary meeting regarding the potential for creating a new special event in riverfront Sewell Park, focused on marketing the proximity between the Miami River and adjacent “Health District” (Civic Center). Several of the events exhibits would he health related, and perhaps hosted by the numerous adjacent hospitals and UM Medical School. MRC staff then shared the concept with another adjacent development under construction, River Oaks Marina and Condominium, which expressed interest as well. Mr. Bibeau stated he wanted to inform the Executive Board of this new “Miami River Health Fair” concept, and suggest a minimal MRC staff “in-kind” contribution, and up to $500 to co-sponsor the event. The MRC Executive Board unanimously concurred and asked for updates.
In addition, Mr. Bibeau reported City of Miami Police Officer Servedra, a Neighborhood
Resource Officer of an area including riverfront Lummus Park, proposed at a recent “Friends of Lummus Park” meeting to host the 2nd Annual Lummus Park Catch and Release Fishing Tournament, focused on teaching fishing to underprivileged youth. The Executive Board unanimously approved a minimal MRC staff “in-kind” contribution, and up to $500 to cosponsor the 2nd Annual Lummus Park Catch and Release Fishing Tournament.
V) Status of Available MRC Board Member Positions
To follow up on the MRC’s discussion under new business during the May 7, 2007 meeting, MRC staff provided a summary of the 8 individuals whom have expressed interest in serving as volunteers on the MRC’s three vacant board seats, which include the Honorable Governor Crist’s Member at Large, Environmental or Civic organization appointments, and his designee. The summary indicated four of the eight individuals have submitted the Governor’s required “Questionnaire for Gubernatorial Appointments”, of which Mr. Bibeau had a copy available for review upon request. The Executive Board unanimously agreed that Chair Buermann should respectfully suggest the Honorable Governor fill the three vacant MRC seats he controls.
VI) New Business- The following items were addressed/discussed:
- Mr. Buermann stated the MRC should consider hosting a Miami River Boat Tour for the SFWMD and elected officials, similar to the MRC hosted River Tour he understands took place approximately three years ago. The Executive Board agreed. Mr. Buermann stated the date will be provided ASAP, and perhaps the next SFWMD Governing Board meeting in Miami, August 7, will be an opportunity.
- Mr. Bibeau reported progress is being made towards bringing the Executive Board’s previously approved creation of a Miami River Marine Industrial Economic Analysis to fruition. The contract to receive a $17,800 grant from the Empowerment Trust was executed, which will serve as a significant cost share for the grand total $22,170 analysis and pier review.
- Mr. Bibeau thanked the Elizabeth Ordway Dunn Foundation for their recent $10,000 grant award
- Mr. Bibeau reported on Monday, May 21, 2007, 130 Ransom Everglades seniors coordinated by MRC staff, removed litter and weeds, spread mulch, paint etc. along the South River Drive on-road greenway, from José Martí Park to NW 2nd Street, as well as along the north shore on-road greenway, from NW3rd Street to NW 6th Avenue.
- Mr. Bibeau informed the Executive Committee and Mr. Villar, designee for the Honorable Mayor Alvarez, that the Honorable Chair of the Board of County Commissioners Bruno Barreiro and Dr. Ernie Martin, Chair of the MRC’s Greenways subcommittee, held a publicly noticed meeting to discuss creating riverwalk sections on riverfront County owned properties. Chair Barreiro supported the concept of expediting the County’s approved $7.5 million Miami River Greenway bond line item, by allowing the County’s Public Works Department to oversee the creation of engineering documents and construction of riverwalks on the identified County owned parcels. Mr. Villar stated he appreciated the update, and agrees with the suggested approach to constructing a publicly accessible riverwalk on the County owned riverfront parcels. Mr. Bibeau reported on June 13, 2007, the MRC’s Greenways subcommittee reviewed the City Commission approved Major Use Special Permit for the “Latitude on the River” development, which has almost completed constructed, and depicts a publicly accessible riverwalk connecting to the riverwalk section beneath the Miami-Dade County owned 2nd Ave Bridge, although the City of Miami’s issued building permit for the project depicts the riverwalk as built, which doesn’t connect to the 2nd Ave riverwalk, rather dead ends into the side of the 2nd Ave Bridge retaining wall. The MRC Executive Committee directed staff to advocate for the City to ask the Latitude on the River developer to honor the approved MUSP rendering, by funding and constructing the connector to the Riverwalk beneath the 2nd Ave Bridge.
- Mr. Bibeau thanked the City of Miami for renewing their Scavenger water de-pollutionvessel services contract citywide, including some time on the Miami River, and Miami-Dade County for providing an additional $100,000 for the vessel’s services only on the Miami River. The MRC and SFWMD provided the original $100,000 for the water decontamination vessel’s pilot project on the Miami River.
- The MRC Executive Committee directed staff and the Greenways subcommittee to advocate strongly for the immediate replacement of the collapsed sea-wall at the Miami Circle, and accepting the Related Group’s offer to fund and develop a riverwalk at the site.
The meeting adjourned |
The Miami River Commission's (MRC) Executive Committee was called to order by MRC Chair Eric Buermann , Monday, June 15, 2007, 8:30 am, Greenstreet Café, 3468 Miami Highway , Coconut Grove , FL.
Members attending were:
Eric Buermann, Chair
Richard Dubin, Robert Villar
MRC Staff:
Bibeau, Managing Director
Others Attending:
Jeffrey Hooper, AME Shipping, Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group
The Executive Committee unanimously adopted the May 15, 2007 minutes, incorporating two minor revisions on page 2 requested by Mr. Dubin.
MRC Chair Eric Buermann asked if the Executive Committee had any revisions to the distributed June 15, 2007 Executive Committee meeting minutes. Upon review of the minutes, Mr. Robert Ruano asked MRC staff to clarify the fourth bullet on page four under “New Business” in reference to a recent publicly noticed meeting held with the Honorable Chair of the Board of County Commissioners Bruno Barreiro and Dr. Ernie Martin , Chair of the MRC's Greenways Subcommittee, to discuss the Miami River Greenway. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted the aforementioned June 13 meeting, in which MRC staff and Chairman Barreiro's MRC designee Ms. Lubby Navarro also attended, was publicly noticed by Chairman Barreiro's office, as well as MRC staff. Mr. Ruano asked if the referenced $7.5 million Miami River Greenway bond line item is the City of Miami's, and Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, noted that, to his knowledge, the referenced $7.5 million is a former county-approved GOB line item, which would allow the Miami-Dade County Public Works Department to oversee the creation of engineering documents and the construction of riverwalks on county-owned riverfront parcels. After obtaining clarification regarding the publicly-noticed June 13 meeting and the County's GOB line item for the Greenway, the Executive Board unanimously approved the June 15, 2007 meeting minutes.
I) Set Agenda for MRC's September 10, 2007 meeting
A. Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan
Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, noted he and Mr. Jim Murley , Chair of the MRC's Urban Infill Working Group, had scheduled a meeting with Mr. David Henderson, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Mr. Greg Kyle , Kimley-Horn and Associates (KHA), the week of July 16 to conduct a final review of the draft Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan and ensure that all MRC requested revisions have been incorporated into the final plan prior to its adoption at the MRC's September 10, 2007 meeting. Mr. Bibeau noted since the first Monday in September falls on Labor Day, the next MRC meeting will be held on the second Monday of the month, September 10, 2007, noon, Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street.
Mr. Buermann recalled during the MRC's July 9, 2007 meeting, the MRC directed the Urban Infill Working Group to continue participating in the Miami 21 public hearings, review new drafts and advocate for the MRC's adopted advisory recommendation.
MRC staff noted the next UIWG meeting will be held this Friday, July 20, 9 am, at the United Way Executive Conference Room, 3250 SW 3 rd Avenue . The Executive Committee addressed the following items in relation to Miami 21:
Mr. Buermann stated he believed the MRC's main current concern with the draft Miami 21-Eastern Quadrant is that it requires boatyards, shipping terminals, and other marine industrial-related businesses along the Miami River to abide by new waterfront structure setback regulations. Chair Buermann noted he supports the incorporation of the aforementioned riverfront building setbacks and publicly accessible riverwalk requirements along riverfront restaurants and entertainment venues, for he considers the riverwalk a public amenity.
The Executive Board discussed the few existing narrow riverfront restaurants which have tables up to the riverfront where the Miami River Greenway currently proceeds around the sites as an on-road greenway, and inquired how the new proposed new regulations would be incorporated. Mr. Robert Ruano stated he would seek verification regarding non-conforming uses and structures, etc.
Mr. Richard Dubin noted the owners of Finnegan's River, the only SD-4 property along the Miami River that is not designated as either D1 or D2 in the proposed Miami 21-Eastern Quadrant zoning atlas, purchased two properties on the north shore of the Miami River with existing vacant buildings that have no riverfront setback (formerly known as Atco Marine Service and Sierra) with plans for creating two new restaurants. Mr. Dubin noted the owners have expressed their opposition to the proposed new 20-foot setback requirements, since both subject properties-currently designated D1 in the draft Miami 21-Eastern Quadrant-do not have the lot space to accommodate such requirements. Mr. Dubin suggested that perhaps a mechanism calling for a case-by-case review for the D1 and D2 properties along the river could be created as part of Miami 21, so as to not discourage potential river investors from creating new businesses which generate jobs.
Chair Buermann encouraged the Executive Board to attend the Friday, July 20 UIWG meeting to discuss Miami 21 in further detail prior to its second presentation before the MRC on September 10.
II) Review of Financial Status Report
Per the request of Mr. Robert Ruano at the MRC July 9, 2007 meeting for additional information regarding the MRC's financial status, Mr. Bibeau distributed the “Miami River Fund, Inc. (d.b.a. Miami River Commission) Accrued Balances as of 6/30/07”, listing each sub-account and its potential uses, both programmatic and operational. In addition, Mr. Bibeau distributed the previously adopted “Fiscal Year 2007 and Fiscal Year 2008 Operational Budget” as well. Mr. Bibeau noted the available cash with operational expenses as a potential use is $365,389 and the current operational budget (7/1/07-6/30/08) is $185,563; therefore if the MRC were unable to receive additional financial support, the current programs & operational reserves ($179,826.26) would sustain the MRC for less than one additional year.
Mr. Ruano stated he would like to receive additional information regarding the financial status and asked Mr. Bibeau which program he used to calculate the aforementioned figures and maintain the Miami River Fund, Inc accounts, and Mr. Bibeau replied “Quickbooks.” Therefore the Executive Committee directed the next financial report to include QuickBook print outs of the quarterly activity within each sub-account.
III) Discussion of Future Miami River Commission Funding Sources
Per the request of MRC Executive board member Gary Winston , and in response to the need to secure future MRC funding sources, Mr. Bibeau noted MRC staff had included this item in today's agenda for discussion. Chair Buermann noted the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) had preliminarily approved his request to renew its annual $250,000 appropriation to the MRC for Fiscal Year 2008. Chair Buermann added he had recently discussed the Miami River Maintenance Dredging project's current financial status with SFWMD Executive Director Carol Wehle, whom had replied that the SFWMD could potentially provide $3 million in Fiscal Year 2008, towards the Federal Cost share balance due. Chair Buermann stated there is an estimated $9-12 million shortfall in the federal cost balance due to finish the project before the 5-year contract expires in April 2009. Chair Buermann therefore recommended requesting $5 million from the Legislature, $3 million from the SFWMD and $3 million from the county, city and FIND from the local cost-share partners in their respective FY '08 budget cycles to secure the federal funding shortfall.
Ms. Sallye Jude asked for the Miami River Dredging Maintenance project's recommencement date, and Mr. Bibeau replied that dredging was scheduled to recommence in the Miami River by July 23, 2007, yet the contractors had recently met with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) representatives to request an extension (up to 120 days) provided for their remobilization, based on the timeline for the Boskalis sediment processing plant to return from overseas. Mr. Bibeau added that the ACOE had yet to make a decision regarding the contractors' request to extend the 60 days the contract currently allows from award of the acceptance section to recommence dredging. Chair Buermann asked MRC staff to continue working with the ACOE to minimize delays as much as possible.
Mr. Bibeau thanked everyone whom attended the Honorable Chairman Barreiro's mock check presentation on July 9, announcing the combined $20.5 million appropriated to continue the 40% complete Miami River Maintenance Dredging project. Mr. Bibeau noted the event was well-attended, including the Honorable Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, several members of the Florida Legislature, and the Florida Inland Navigation District. Mr. Bibeau distributed a document he created entitled, “Elected Representative Appropriations vs. Paperwork and Signatures - July 16, 2007,” featuring a status update of the three agreements (paperwork) provided by the ACOE to the County, which need to be fully executed ASAP in order to use the currently available funding and avoid an additional demobilization only a couple of months after dredging recommences. Mr. Bibeau noted dredging within the currently awarded accepted sections 7 & 8 will only take three months to complete, and the agreements need to be executed in order to utilize the additional currently appropriated and available funding to dredge additional acceptance sections. The Executive Committee directed Mr. Bibeau to continue advocating for all the required agreements to be fully executed ASAP. Mr. Ruano asked if Mr. Carlos Espinosa, DERM Director, has been kept up-to-date on the dredging project's status, and Mr. Bibeau replied yes, adding that he continues to attend the third Wednesday of every month publicly noticed Dredging Subcommittee meetings.
IV) New Business
The following items were addressed/discussed:
Mr. Bibeau provided an update concerning the collapsed seawall at the Miami Circle and distributed copies of the following documents:
- “ Miami Circle Timeline”
- Renditions of the site, as illustrated in the Miami River Greenway Action Plan, adopted by the MRC, County and City in 2001.
- July 2002 Letter from Janet Snyder Matthews, Director of the DOS Division of Historical Resources to Chris Keena, Director Department of Management Services, requesting the creation of a request for proposals (RFP) including up to $95,220 for necessary Batter-pile-with-cap sea wall repairs, to be funded from available Conservation and recreation Lands (C.A.R.L.) funding. The seawall repairs never occurred.
- September 21, 2005 letter and site plan from the Related Group (when seeking approval of their adjacent Icon development) to Ryan Wheeler, DOS, stating, “#3 The design and development of the Miami River Greenway trail through the 2.2 acre Miami Circle property is also reflected in the Design Concept prepared by the Related Group of Florida and is consistent with the planned baywalk improvements within the Icon Brickell project and the adjacent Brickell Park permanent improvement plan. To date, the related group of Florida has funded the cost of this initial Design Concept and is committed to a continued financial support to implement the desired concept plan.”
- August 2002 Miami Today article entitled “Work to open Miami Circle landmark to public likely this year”
Chair Buermann noted he planned on contacting Mr. Mike Sole, Director of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to discuss the status of the Miami Circle , and asked Mr. Bibeau for his input on the appropriate course of action. Mr. Bibeau recommended that the State file a permit application for the Miami Circle 's seawall replacement, while on a parallel path seeking a $500,000 match for a potential $500,000 FIND grant for the seawall replacement. Upon completion of the seawall replacement, Mr. Bibeau stated he hoped the Related Group would fund and construct the site's publicly accessible riverwalk, as offered in their 2005 letter.
Mr. Bibeau stated MRC staff had attended a meeting at the Historical Museum of South Florida (HMSF) with Miami Circle stakeholders on June 28, 2007, in which Mr. Wheeler, DOS, had shared plans to provide temporary repair measures to stabilize the site's collapsed seawall, while the DOS submits a $2.5 million legislative budget request, which will be considered in May 2008, to potentially fund the final and long planned permanent repair of the Miami Circle seawall. Mr. Bibeau stated DOS's request for $2 million was denied by the Legislature last year. Mr. Bibeau noted the HMSF has invited Miami Circle stakeholders to another meeting on Monday, July 23, noon, at the museum. Mr. Bibeau added the Honorable Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen and the Honorable ST Rep Luis Garcia expressed their support to expedite the repair of the Miami Circle seawall, followed by construction of a publicly accessible riverwalk, by inviting local, state and federal officials, public and the media to a press conference at the site on Saturday, July 21, 2007, 1 pm. The MRC Executive Committee directed staff and the Greenways subcommittee to continue advocating for the immediate and permanent replacement of the collapsed sea-wall at the Miami Circle and the creation of a publicly accessible waterfront walkway adjacent to the Miami Circle similar to the renditions depicted in the adopted Miami River Greenway Action Plan.
Mr. Bibeau reported on June 13, 2007, the MRC's Greenways subcommittee reviewed the City Commission approved Major Use Special Permit for the “Latitude on the River” development, which has almost completed constructed, and depicts a publicly accessible riverwalk connecting to the riverwalk section beneath the Miami-Dade County owned 2 nd Ave Bridge, although the City of Miami 's issued building permit for the project depicts the riverwalk as built, which doesn't connect to the 2 nd Ave riverwalk, rather dead ends into the side of the 2 nd Ave Bridge retaining wall. Since the GSC meeting, Mr. Bibeau stated that Miami City Commissioner Joe Sanchez had requested a meeting with Mr. Bibeau and the developer of “Latitude on the River” to address inconsistent riverwalk dimensions and the site's lack of connectivity to the adjacent development “Neo Vertika” and the NW 2 nd Avenue Bridge . During the meeting, Mr. Bibeau noted the City Commission approved riverwalk renditions for the aforementioned riverfront development are wider than the as-built riverwalk. Mr. Bibeau added that the approved MUSP provided connectivity to adjacent riverwalk sections, but the as-built sections failed to connect. Mr. Bibeau noted the developer of “Latitude on the River” seemed willing to provide a riverwalk connection to the NW 2 nd Avenue Bridge through the installation of a 6-foot cantilevered bridge. Mr. Bibeau noted that the developer owned the submerged land which extended 16 feet into the river, and could therefore provide a safer riverwalk with that width. Mr. Ruano asked if a connection to the NW 2 nd Avenue Bridge was featured in the approved MUSP, and Mr. Bibeau replied yes and per Mr. Ruano's request agreed to forward him all plans/pictures regarding this item. Mr. Ruano asked how Commissioner Sanchez felt about the situation, and Mr. Bibeau replied that it his understanding the Commissioner regards greenway connectivity as an important issue and is currently considering meeting with the developer of “Neo Vertika” to address their needed shoreline repair which would help improve riverwalk connectivity to adjacent parcels, such as “Latitude on the River.” Mr. Dubin noted the lack of coordination between city departments may have attributed to the continued aforementioned riverwalk inconsistencies. The Executive Board directed MRC staff to continue advocating for the City to require the developers to honor the Riverwalk dimensions unanimously approved by the City Commission.
Ms. Chase noted MRC staff would like to honor Ms. Lavinia Freeman , whom has recently resigned from the Trust for Public Land , with a commemorative plaque for all her work on the Miami River Greenway. The Executive Board unanimously welcomed this idea and agreed to present her with a token of their appreciation at the next MRC meeting, if not sooner.
The Miami River Commission's (MRC) Executive Committee was called to order by MRC Chair Eric Buermann , Monday, July 16, 2007, 8:30 am, Greenstreet Café, 3468 Miami Highway , Coconut Grove , FL.
Members attending were:
Eric Buermann, Chair
Richard Dubin, Sallye Jude
MRC Staff:
Bibeau, Managing Director
I) Set Agenda for MRC's November 5, 2007 meeting
A. Presentation of DDA Downtown Miami Master Plan
Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, noted the MRC's Urban Infill Working Group had reviewed the plan at two previous meetings, and has recommended that the MRC find the “Downtown Miami Master Plan: Urban Design & Transportation” consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan and the Miami River Greenway Action Plan subject to a few conditions, included in the October 10, 2007 UIWG meeting minutes. Therefore the item will be placed on the MRC's November 5 meeting agenda.
B. Presentation of Proposed East Coast Eateries
Mr. Bibeau noted Ms. Vicky Garcia-Toledo, Bilzin Sumberg, and project architect Omar Morales, Group, Inc., presented proposed plans for the historically designated East Coast Fisheries and adjacent waterfront properties located between the Flagler Bridge and the 1 st Street Bridge on SW North River Drive to the UIWG on October 10, 2007. Mr. Bibeau noted the proposed project will refurbish the East Coast Fisheries historic building and original sign and rename it “East Coast Eateries.” East Coast Eateries, added Mr. Bibeau, will function solely as a dining room. Mr. Richard Dubin asked if Mr. Peter Swartz still owned the subject property, and Mr. Bibeau replied that Mr. Swartz had sold it a California-based company. Mr. Bibeau explained the City Charter requires a 50-foot setback for new developments along the Miami River east of the 5 th Street Bridge, unless the parcel is less than 200-feet-wide. Since the proposed “East Coast Eateries” property is less than 200-feet-wide, the city requires a minimum setback equal to 25% of the property depth- which in this case equates to an estimated 12.5-foot required setback . Mr. Bibeau noted the developer intends to request a waiver to the charter setback requirement, as the current proposed setback is 0 feet from the riverwalk. Mr. Bibeau noted Ms. Garcia-Toledo Mr. Morales stated it may be possible to present a revised plan to the MRC, which does incorporate a publicly accessible riverwalk within the City Charter required riverfront building setback. In addition, unless an agreement is reached with the Miami Parking Authority to utilize parking spaces beneath adjacent to the upland site beneath I-95, the proposed restaurant site would require a special exemption of 250 required parking spaces. Mr. Bibeau noted the UIWG found the “East Coast Eateries” proposal to be consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan and the Miami River Greenway Action Plan , subject to several conditions included in the October 10, 2007 UIWG meeting minutes.
C. Presentation of Alimar on the River
Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Mario Hernandez had presented the proposed “Alimar on the River” at the MRC's Economic Development & Commerce Subcommittee meeting on October 15, 2007. Mr. Bibeau noted the proposed full service marina is located on the east side of the Seybold Canal , south of the Humpback Bridge . Ms. Jane Caporelli asked if the proposed project would require a presentation before the City of Miami Historic & Environmental Preservation (HEP) Board, and Mr. Bibeau replied that, to his knowledge, it would not require a presentation to the HEP, City or County Commissions . Therefore considering the MRC's lengthy agenda on November 5, 2007, the Executive Board members suggested MRC staff defer the presentation of the proposed “Alimar on the River” to the MRC's December 3, 2007 meeting.
II) Review and Discussion of MRC Financial Status
Mr. Bibeau distributed and reviewed the “Miami River Fund, Inc. (d.b.a. Miami River Commission) Accrued Balances as of 9/30/07”, and a Quickbooks Balance Sheet. Mr. Bibeau noted the 2007 MRC audit is currently being completed by Appelrouth and Farah, and will be presented to the Executive Board next month.
III) Launch of 12 th Annual Miami Riverday
Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted the 2008 Miami Riverday festival will be held on Saturday, April 18, 2008, from noon to 5 pm, at José Martí Park , between SW 4 th Avenue and SW 4 th Street . Ms. Chase distributed and reviewed the draft 2008 Co-Sponsorship Letter, a registration form for sponsors, food and art vendors, educational displays and marine exhibits, a 2008 Riverday sponsorship package, and the 2007 Miami Riverday budget. Ms. Chase noted the 2008 Riverday registration form features the following additions:
- Insertion of the clause, “Should your company decline or choose to cancel its booth reservations, it must notify Miami Riverday staff by April 5, 2008 to avoid loss of your fee or deposit.”
- Insertion of Food and Art Vendor required, non-refundable fee of $122; Ms Chase noted that last year, the City of Miami Parks Department had begin imposing a $60 fee for each artist and food vendor. Ms. Chase added that the MRC has always provided a free 10 x 10 tent, table and two chairs to each vendor (a total fee of $62), but considering the increased costs of each passing festival, MRC staff decided to request a $122 non-refundable fee-$60 would go to the City of Miami, and $62 would cover the costs of Glenn's Tables, Tents & Chairs.
Per the suggestion of Ms. Caporelli, Ms. Chase agreed to further breakdown the costs included in the registration form, so that organizations whom already own a tent do not have to incur the additional $62 fee .
Ms. Chase explained consistent with previous years, a minimum $500 sponsorship level (currently not included in the 12 th Annual Miami Riverday sponsorship package) is the most is equipped with all the benefits of the $1,500 Lieutenant Sponsorship level.
Per the request of Mr. Bibeau, Ms. Chase agreed to include the Florida Department of Agriculture and Customer Services clause (featured in the 2008 Co-Sponsorship Letter) on the last page of the 2008 Miami Riverday Sponsorship Package.
The Executive Board members shared the following ideas for the 2008 Riverday festival:
- Partnership with Miami-Dade County 's Adopt-A-Tree program
- Partnership with Miami Running Club to host a children and or adult run
- Partnership with either the Dragon Boat race organizers or “Blazing Paddles” to host a kayak or canoe race along the Miami River
- Mr. Bibeau noted Ms. Sallye Jude and Ms. Patty Harris have expressed an interest in assisting with the organization of the 2008 festival. Mr. Bibeau added that Ms. Chase planned to meet with them soon.
- Ms. Caporelli suggested reaching out to local TV stations, such as Channel 4, to obtain corporate sponsorship of the 2008 Miami Riverday Festival.
- Mr. Sell suggested reaching out to Comcast or Community Service Departments of local stations to create a Miami Riverday PSA. Mr. Sell agreed to forward Ms. Chase the appropriate contact information
IV ) Launch of 5 th Annual Miami River Map & Guide
Ms. Chase distributed the 5 th Annual Miami River Map & Guide solicitation letter. Ms. Chase noted the deadline to renew or place a new ad is January 14, 2008. Mr. Bibeau noted the location of the Carnival Performing Arts Center would be included in the new map. Per the request of Ms. Caporelli, MRC staff agreed to include the Gusman Center for the Performing Arts, Flagler and SE 2 nd Avenue .
V) Renewal of the Contract to Create MRC Annual Report
Mr. Bibeau welcomed Mr. Mark Sell, Director of Client Services for Wragg & Casas Public Relations, Inc., and distributed his proposal for the creation of the Miami River Commission 2007 Report. Mr. Sell noted the $4,800 fee includes design and production fees of Ms. Toni Kirkland, graphic designer, yet printing costs are additional and are billed separately. Mr. Sell stated this year's fee will be made payable to Wragg & Casas. Mr. Sell added he expected to submit a draft report in December, and print 5,000 copies before the holidays. The Executive Board members stated they didn't feel it was necessary to bring the renewal of the contract to create the MRC Annual Report before the full MRC for approval (please note the MRC's adopted Fiscal Year 2008 budget includes $5,000 for the creation of the 2007 Report, and additional $3,000 for printing)
VI) Update of “The Miami River …Works for Me” PSA-
Ms. Chase noted MRC staff has reached out to numerous local television stations to broadcast the PSA and increase support for the Miami River, and distributed a media update as of October 22, 2007. The PSA is currently airing on several stations and will be uploaded on the MRC's web site.
VII) Update of MRC Grant Opportunities/Applications
Ms. Chase distributed and reviewed the “Miami River Commission 2007 Grant Update,” featuring the name and status of all grants/ applications either awarded or applied for by MRC staff and pending notification.
VIII) New Business
The following items were addressed/discussed:
- Mr. Bibeau noted MRC board member Ms. Megan Kelly, whom also serves on the Downtown Development Authority board, had informed him that the DDA performs monthly “walkabouts” or walking tours within the DDA boundary, and had suggested offering a Miami River boat tour for the DDA so that they could see first-hand the ongoing construction of mixed-use, mixed-income units and greenways along the Miami River. The Executive Board members noted they liked this idea, and suggested offering a walking tour of the district as well.
- Ms. Chase distributed a press release for the 3-minute documentary “Miami-Reflections of the Miami River ,” which was produced by WPBT, Channel 2 and aired on Thursday, October 18, 2007. Ms. Chase agreed to forward an on-air schedule of the documentary to MRC board members and designees as soon as it becomes available.
- Ms. Chase distributed an on-air schedule of the 6-part “Miami River Works for Me” half-hour episodes. Ms. Chase noted the following shows had already been filmed on September 14, 2007: The Miami River Maintenance Dredging project, The Miami River Commission, and the History of the Miami River . Ms. Chase noted the following three shows will be taped this Friday, October 26, 2007: The Miami River Marine Industries (hosted by Richard Dubin and featuring Dr. Fran Bohnsack, Captain Beau Payne, Mr. Mark Bailey and Dr. Munir Mourra), Miami River Development (hosted by Jim Murley and featuring City Commissioner Joe Sanchez , Mr. Robert Ruano, Mr. Dana Nottingham and Mr. Bernard Zyscovich), and The Miami River Greenway (hosted by Ashley Chase and featuring City Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, Ms. Amy Condon, Ms. Priscilla Morales and Mr. David Henderson).
- Ms. Jane Caporelli asked MRC staff to inquire regarding the status of the dilapidated FDOT stairs on the 1 st ST Bridge and the status of the marked project on South River Drive to the South of the 1 st ST Bridge
The meeting adjourned. |
October 22, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
Ms Jane Caporelli called the publicly noticed Miami River Commission's (MRC) Executive Committee meeting to order on Monday, October 22, 2007, Noon, Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, FL. Ms. Caporelli noted the Executive Committee didn't have quorum, therefore no formal votes would be taken.
Members attending were:
Richard Dubin, Jane Caporelli
MRC Staff:
Bibeau, Managing Director
Ashley Chase,
Assistant Managing Director
Others Attending:
Mark Sell, Wragg & Casas Public Relations, Inc. |
Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, stated on December 14, 2007, the American Planning Association (APA) Gold Coast Section awarded the Miami River Commission (MRC) and the Metropolitan Planning Organization’s “Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan” with the “Award of Merit.” Mr. Bibeau noted the APA has offered to re-present the award to the MRC during its next publicly-noticed meeting on Monday, January 7, 2008, Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street. Chair Eric Buermann congratulated the MRC for its hard work and effort.
Mr. Bibeau welcomed Mr. Mark Sell, Director of Client Services for Wragg & Casas Public Relations, Inc., whom provided an update of the Miami River Commission 2007 Report. Mr. Sell noted he is submitting a draft of the report to MRC staff, whom will forward it to the MRC members. Mr. Bibeau noted, consistent with the previously approved agreement, he had obtained check signatures from Miami River Fund, Inc. President Philip Everingham and Vice-President Sallye Jude for half of Mr. Sell’s $4,800 fee to create the MRC’s 2007 report, and provided Mr. Sell the $2400 payment.
I. Set Agenda for MRC’s January 7, 2008 meeting - Mr. Bibeau stated during the MRC’s December 2007 meeting, Dr. Bohnsack reported an issue to the MRC regarding Mirage Boat Manufacturer’s purchasing 3850 NW North River Drive, a formerly permitted marine industrial
site on the far upper river, yet has been unable to open the business because the Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM) decided not to renew the site’s required Industrial Waste (IW5) permit. Mr. Bibeau noted during the MRC’s December 2007 meeting, MRC member Richard Dubin requested the item be placed on the MRC’s agenda for further consideration. Mr. Bibeau explained Dr. Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group, invited the Mirage Boat Builder owner Mike Hatami to the MRC Executive Committee’s publicly noticed meeting for the first agenda item “Set Agenda for MRC’s January 7, 2008 Meeting.” Mr. Hatami stated although the site’s four previous owners had obtained IW 5 permits, DERM indicated that these previous permits had been issued in error, and therefore denied renewal of the IW 5 permit for “Mirage Yacht.” Mr. Hatami added that DERM’s denial to renew the permit has made the subject Industrial zoned parcel along the upper river unable to open a marine industrial business. Mr. Bibeau stated this specific item / site hasn’t been placed on an MRC subcommittee agenda. Dr. Bohnsack stated in addition to the MRC’s December 3 meeting, the item was generally discussed at a previous MRC Economic Development and Commerce subcommittee meeting, which the MRC EDC Co-Chair, Megan Kelly had also suggested be placed on a future full MRC publicly noticed agenda for a presentation and discussion in further detail. Therefore Dr. Bohnsack suggested that Mr. Hatami’s issue be brought before the MRC for their support/recommendation during the MRC’s January 7, 2008 agenda.
Mr. Gary Winston stated it was inappropriate to discuss the details of Mr. Hatami’s issue during today’s MRC Executive Committee meeting because the specific address and issue wasn’t on the publicly noticed agenda and/or obtained prior MRC Subcommittee review, and was therefore opposed to placing the item on the January 7, 2008 MRC meeting agenda. Mr. Bibeau noted although a specific presentation to an MRC subcommittee is standard operating procedure, the MRC has waived MRC Subcommittee review in the past (i.e. “Brickell on the River”) if the issue was deemed time-sensitive. Mr. Richard Dubin noted he viewed the item as time-sensitive because the property owner is unable to open the proposed Mirage Boatbuilding business on the vacant riverfront site, which is zoned Industrial, because DERM hasn’t renewed the site’s previous Industrial Waste permit. Mr. Dubin made a motion to present this item to the MRC on January 7, 2008; the motion was seconded by Vice Chair Everingham. Discussion followed. Mr. Dubin agreed to amend the prior motion, and add the following more general agenda item to the MRC’s January 7, 2008 meeting: “Review of DERM’s permitting policy, process and procedure related to marine industrial properties on the Miami River.” The motion was seconded by Vice Chair Everingham, and was unanimously adopted. Mr. Gary Winston directed MRC staff to invite the appropriate DERM representative(s) to the January 7, 2008 MRC meeting, noon, Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street, for the agenda item.
II) Review of Fiscal Year 2007 Audit - The Executive Board welcomed Mr. George A. Gulisano, Applelouth, Farrah & Co., whom presented the Miami River Fund Inc.’s (MRFI) Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 (July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007) audit. Mr. Bibeau stated all MRC Executive Board members were mailed a copy of the Miami River Fund Inc’s audited financial statements and “Required Letter of Communication” a week prior to the MRC Executive Board meeting, and provided additional copies to the board members whom didn’t bring the previously mailed version with them to the Executive Board meeting, in addition to copies of the MRFI Management Representation Letter, dated October 27, 2007, authored by Appelrouth and Farah and signed by Miami River Fund Inc (MRFI) President Philip Everingham and Brett Bibeau.
Mr. Winston asked Mr. Gulisano if the items consisted of all of Appelrouth Farah’s documents, and Mr. Gulisano replied a third letter was also generated known as the SAS 112. Mr. Bibeau explained that Mr. Gulisano had asked him how many printed copies of the “Audit” he would like, and Mr. Bibeau requested 35 in order to have sufficient copies to provide one to each member of the Miami River Fund, Inc. and the Miami River Commission in addition to all MRC designees. Mr. Bibeau stated he received 35 copies of the Miami River Fund Inc’s Audited Financial Statements and Required Letter of Communication, yet only one copy of the SAS 112. Therefore Mr. Bibeau contacted Appelrouth Farah and asked why he had received only one copy of the SAS 112, and whom they recommended it be distributed to. Mr. Bibeau stated the firm recommended Mr. Bibeau provide a copy in advance to the President and Vice President of the Miami River Fund Inc, Phil Everingham and Sallye Jude, in addition to the Chairman of the Miami River Commission, and then follow their direction regarding the further review and distribution of the SAS 112 letter. MRC Chair Buermann and Vice Chair Everingham noted that upon their receipt of the SAS 112, they had directed Mr. Bibeau to distribute and review the Miami River Fund Inc’s SAS 112 during the next publicly noticed Miami River Fund Inc meeting, which Mr. Bibeau added would be held on Friday, January 18, 2008, 8:30 am, Offices of Moore & Company, 355 Alhambra Circle. Miami River Commission Executive Board member designees Mr. Winston and Mr. Ruano asked for copies of the Miami River Fund Inc’s SAS 112, and Mr. Bibeau distributed copies of the additional SAS 112 letter to all attendees.
Mr. Gulisano provided a brief overview of the SAS 112, a new requirement that became effective in December 6, 2007 which replaced the SAS 60 and SAS 601 in order to become compliant with new Sarbanes-Oxley standards. Mr. Gulisano noted this was Appelrouth Farah’s first year performing the MRFI’s audit, to which Mr. Bibeau replied that Appelrouth, Farrah had actually performed the MRFI’s first audit in 1999. Mr. Gulisano stated all companies may consider implementing additional financial checks and balances, which are outlined in every company’s SAS 112. Mr. Gulisano explained there are two classifications, significant deficiencies or the more serious material weaknesses, of which the MRFI’s SAS 112 has none. Mr. Gulisano noted that the SAS 112 recommends the Miami River Fund Inc consider implementing recommendations to improve significant deficiencies, such as additional Segregation of Duties, to which he suggested having different board members perform the separate duties of signing checks, processing cash receipts and cash disbursements and maintaining books of original entry.
Mr. Ruano asked when the 2007 audit documents had been received by MRC staff, and Mr. Bibeau replied although the documents are dated October 27, 2007, MRC staff did not actually receive the aforementioned Audit copies until a week prior to today’s meeting, which Mr. Gulisano confirmed.
Mr. Gulisano added it was solely the decision of the Miami River Fund Inc to implement any of Appelrouth, Farah’s recommendations. Mr. Ruano noted it was important to ensure that proper controls are in place so that the organization and its members are protected. Mr. Bibeau distributed a “Current Financial Controls and Operating Procedures” and a “Summary of Previous MRFI Audits”.
Mr. Ruano expressed his concern regarding members of staff being able to sign checks on behalf of the MRFI, and Mr. Bibeau referred to the distributed document, “Current Financial Controls and Operating Procedures,” which explains that “all checks greater than $500 require two signatures, the MRFI President (Phil Everingham) and Vice President (Sallye Jude); Managing Director has authority to sign only checks less than $500.” Mr. Bibeau added that “monthly bank statements showing all expenditures are opened by either the MRFI President (Phil Everingham) or Vice President (Sallye Jude), reviewed and signed before provided to staff.” Mr. Ruano asked Mr. Everingham if he and Ms. Jude indeed open, review, and sign all MRFI bank statements -which he noted was a good practice and Mr. Everingham confirmed the current financial control.
Mr. Gulisano reviewed page 2 of the MRFI “(Not-For-Profit Organization) Statement of Financial Position June 30, 2007 Assets, Liabilities and NET Assets (Unrestricted vs. Restricted).” Mr. Winston asked how these numbers were derived, and Mr. Gulisano explained that they are simply a “snapshot” of activities as of June 30, 2007. Mr. Winston asked Mr. Gulisano to explain the “Professional Fees” line item on page 4, (Not-For-Profit Organization) Statement of Functional Expenses June 30, 2007, and Mr. Gulisano replied that the line item includes consulting and engineering services, etc. Mr. Bibeau added that he had replied to an e-mail from Mr. Winston and provided the requested list of all “Professional Fees” related expenditures, including but not limited to: website maintenance, FAU to create the Miami River Marine Industrial Economic Analysis, fabrication and installation of Miami River Greenway Historic markers, creation of the “Miami River…Works for Me” Public Service Announcement, which is airing on television, etc., are included as part of this line item.
Mr. Winston noted that on Page 10, Note 6 “Concentration of Credit Risk,” Appelrouth, Farrah reported that at June 30, 2007 the MRFI balance exceeded the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insurance limits by approximately $285,427. The Executive Board therefore suggested the MRFI discuss the possibility of opening up additional accounts in more than one bank.
Vice Chair Everingham noted according to page 11, Note 7 “MRFI (Not-For-Profit Organization) Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 2007” the MRC’s lease expires on July 1, 2007. Mr. Bibeau presented a copy of the lease entered into with Miami-Dade County in 2005, which is current through July 2008 and at this time is a month to month lease with a potential one-year extension. Mr. Everingham suggested Mr. Gulisano amend the language regarding the MRC’s lease agreement, which seemed a bit confusing, and Mr. Gulisano agreed to revise the aforementioned language for next year’s audit. Mr. Everingham suggested MRC staff extend the lease agreement.
Mr. Buermann suggested having the Miami River Fund Inc further review and discuss Appelrouth, Farah’s recommendations in full detail during its aforementioned publicly noticed January 18 meeting, and report their decisions back to the Miami River Commission’s Executive Board later that month before the audit is mailed to the remaining MRC board members and designees in February. Mr. Buermann stated he serves on the Board of the Espirito Santo Bank, and noted all audits and companies may consider additional financial checks and balances, and considered the presented Miami River Fund Inc to be positive. The MRC Executive Committee agreed with Chairman Buermann’s suggested continued public process to review and comment on the Miami River Fund Inc’s audit, and perhaps implement some of its recommendations if deemed feasible and cost effective.
The Executive Board thanked Mr. Gulisano for attending today’s meeting.
III) Review of Quarterly Financial Reports - Mr. Bibeau distributed and reviewed the “Miami River Fund, Inc. Accrued Balances as of 12/16/07”, and a Miami River Fund, Inc. Quickbooks Balance Sheet, which includes all MRFI expenses and income for the quarter from each sub-account. Mr. Ruano asked about the 10/22/07 “Travel” Quickbooks sub-account line item, and Chair Buermann noted that Mr. Bibeau traveled to Tallahassee and Washington in support of the Miami River maintenance dredging project. Mr. Bibeau distributed the adopted FY ’08 budget, which includes the travel line item expenses. Mr. Dubin asked about the three separate checks for $499.00 made out to Home Depot on 10/2/07, and Mr. Bibeau explained that the MRFI’s recent minutes reflect their approval of up to $5,000 for three volunteer beautification events along the Miami River Greenway. Mr. Bibeau noted, however, that when the total Home Depot bill for plants and other materials surpassed $500 when he was at the store ordering delivery of the needed supplies a couple days before the Saturday volunteer event, he was unable to obtain the second check signature of an MRFI board member whom was out of town, therefore he had no option to provide the approved volunteer supplies for the event but to cut three separate checks under $500. Mr. Bibeau offered to provide receipts for any expenses, which he had with him at the meeting. Mr. Ruano requested future Quarterly Financial Reports include a Profit and Loss QuickBooks report as well, and Mr. Bibeau agreed noting he had provided a Profit and Loss Statement at the last MRC Executive Committee meeting which Mr. Ruano was unable to attend, and as directed by the Board during that meeting had provided additional information via the provided itemized list of all expenditures and income divided by each individual sub account.
IV) Consideration of Assistant Managing Director’s Budgeted Raise - Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, distributed the MRC’s Executive Subcommittee June 15, 2007 approved meeting minutes, which include the agenda item “Adoption of Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 (July 1, 2006-June 30, 2007) Operational Budget.” Ms. Chase noted the adopted FY 2008 budget included a potential increase in her annual salary from $40,025 to $42,000, which the Executive Board had agreed to consider implementing in December 2007, when she has completed her third full year working for the MRC. Mr. Winston noted he would feel more comfortable approving the potential raise once the FY ’08 audit has been reviewed and adopted. Vice Chair Everingham asked Mr. Bibeau for his recommendation, and Mr. Bibeau replied he was in support of the raise, which is included in the distributed adopted FY 2008 budget. Mr. Bibeau added that the MRC has secured enough income to implement the budgeted raise, which if approved by the Executive Board would become effective as of January 1, 2008. Mr. Ruano stated he was in support of the raise, as Ms. Chase continues to do a good job for the MRC, and is less associated with the MRFI’s financial matters. Mr. Ruano added he agreed that overall it’s a good audit, which should be further considered before considering any future potential raises for the Managing Director, whom is more directly involved in the organization’s funding. Mr. Bibeau noted he is not seeking a raise, and no raise for the Managing Director position is included in the adopted FY ‘08 budget. Mr. Ruano suggested implementing staff performance reviews so that the MRC may have standards in place to measure performance levels of future MRC staff members, thereby further justifying any potential future raises. Chair Buermann noted Ms. Chase was deserving of the raise, adding that it was important to reward the MRC’s talented staff, whom continue to perform very well. Vice Chair Everingham moved the approve an increase in Ms. Chase’s annual salary from $40,025 to $42,000, effective January 1, 2008; The motion was seconded by Mr. Robert Ruano and passed 4-1.
V) New Business- The following items were addressed/discussed:
- Mr. Winston discussed the concept of taking group walks along the Miami River Greenway to assess its development progress
- Mr. Winston discussed the idea of having a Holiday Boat Parade along the Miami River and/or creating a “River of Lights” to illuminate the entire Miami River, which would be visible from airplanes. Mr. Dubin noted he liked the idea of a holiday boat parade, which could commence near NW 22nd Avenue and end at Biscayne Bay. Mr. Dubin noted, however, that illuminating the entire river with Christmas bright lights could potentially hamper boat captain’s line of sight.
Mr. Ruano and Mr. Winston stated they receive too many printed documents related to MRC meetings, therefore recommended future documents be provided electronically. The Executive Board agreed to have MRC staff refer to the MRC’s adopted 2005 Miami River Corridor Energy Efficiency & Water Conservation Report and the MRC’s Employees Policies and Guidelines for any guidance on using less paper and becoming “more green”/environmentally-conscious. Mr. Bibeau replied a couple years ago the MRC directed staff to cease including printed copies of all MRC subcommittee minutes in the MRC board members / designees monthly mail out one week prior to the MRC meeting (with the exception of minutes related to a specific agenda item) and instead e-mail the subcommittee minutes, which MRC staff implemented. The Executive Committee members agreed to continue considering and perhaps vote on further amendments to the MRC staff’s current operating procedures in order to reduce the MRC’s paper use yet maintain the necessary distribution of documents for review and consideration electronically.
The meeting adjourned. |
December 18, 2007 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
Miami River Commission Chairman Eric Buermann called the publicly noticed Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Executive Committee meeting to order on Tuesday, December 18, 2007, Noon, at the South Florida Water Management District Miami-Dade Regional Office, Conference Room, 6th Floor, 2121 SW 3rd Avenue.
Members attending were:
Chairman Eric Buermann
Vice Chairman Philip Everingham
Richard Dubin
Robert Ruano
Gary Winston
Sallye Jude
MRC Staff:
Bibeau, Managing Director
Ashley Chase,
Assistant Managing Director
Others Attending:
Mark Sell, Wragg & Casas Public Relations, Inc.George A. Gulisano, Appelrouth, Farrah & Co.
John P. Rosser, JERA, Inc.
Mike Hatami, Mirage Yacht
Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group |
c/o Robert King High • 1407 NW 7 Street, Suite D, Miami, FL 33125 • 305-644-0544 • Fax: 305-642-1136 • Contact us email |